Monday 10 March 2014

Smoked Trout Risotto Recipe

Sometimes you want something that is hearty and filling, but which is also just a little lighter than other meals. For this situation I think risotto is perfect.

This makes a really tasty risotto and the combination of smoked trout and chervil is ideal. This can serve four as a main course or six to eight people as a starter.

There is also something deeply soothing in making a risotto... maybe because it takes care and a little attention to make it. Not that it's hard, you just have to keep your attention on the dish as you prepare it... an excellent way of getting rid of the day's stresses and worries.

Also as it takes little more than half an hour to prepare this is a quick and easy supper dish.

Smoked Trout Risotto

Serves: 4
Smoked Trout Risotto: An easy to prepare but tasty rice and fish dish that works well as a starter or as a light supper or midday meal. Risotto is perfect as a dish any time, and a great antidote to a stressful day.


2 tbsp olive oil
1 medium onion, finely chopped
400g (2 1/2 cups) risotto rice (arborio is good)
150ml (2/3 cup) dry white wine
1.2l (5 cups) hot fish stock
3 tbsp crème fraîche (or sour cream)
3 tbsp freshly-grated grano padano cheese
350g (120z) smoked trout, coarsely chopped
4 tbsp fresh chervil, chopped
salt and freshly-ground black pepper, to taste
grated grano padano cheese, grated
fresh chervil sprigs, to garnish


Heat the oil in a large, heavy, pan. Add the onion and fry gently over low heat for about 5 minutes, or until soft and translucent (do not allow the onion to colour).

Add the rice to the pan and stir to coat each grain in the oil. Continue cooking over low heat, stirring constantly, for about 3 minutes or until the rice grains are translucent.

Now pour the white wine into the pan and cook, stirring constantly, for about 2 to 3 minutes, or until all the wine has been absorbed by the rice.

With the pan over medium heat, add the hot fish stock, a ladleful at a time, stirring constantly until the liquid has been absorbed. At this point add another ladleful of the hot stock.

Continue adding stock and cooking until absorbed until all the stock has been added to the pan. During this cooking stage adjust the heat as needed to maintain the risotto just bubbling merrily (do not allow to boil).

As the rice cooks the risotto will thicken. Typically all the stock will have been added in about 20 minutes and the rice will be tender. The risotto should thicken to a velvety texture.

When the last of the stock has been absorbed take the pan off the heat and stir in the crème fraîche (or sour cream) along with the 3 tbsp grated cheese. Now stir in 3/4 of the trout and all the chopped chervil.

Season to taste with salt and plenty of freshly-ground black pepper. Stir well to combine, cover the pot and set aside to stand for 2 minutes.

Divide the risotto between four warmed serving plates. Top with the remaining smoked trout then garnish with fresh chervil sprigs and a sprinkling of grated grano padano cheese (offer more cheese separately).

Serve immediately.

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