Friday 27 December 2013

Banoffee Tarts Recipe

Christmas is over and now I am starting on a few New Year recipes for you.

Today is an interesting dessert based on a classic Banoffee Pie (you can find the original Hungry Monk version of banoffee pie here)... Individual banoffee tarts that can be served either as a dessert or as a nibble.

For even more recipes for your New Year Festivities, visit the Celtnet history of New Year and New Year recipes page.

Banoffee Tarts Recipe

Serves: 6
Banoffee Tarts Recipe: Miniature banoffee pies in a baked shortcrust shell, topped with whipped cream and fudge sauce


For the Shortcrust:

150g (1 1/4 cups) self-raising flour
25g (3 tbsp) ground rice
finely-grated zest of 1 lemon
50g (1/4 cup, packed) dark muscovado sugar
150g (3/4 cup) butter

For the Caramel (Banoffee) Sauce:

60g (5 tbsp) light brown sugar
60g (4 1/2 tbsp) butter
50ml (1/4 cup) cream

For the Filling:

1 1/2 large bananas
4 tbsp banoffee sauce
225ml (1 cup, scant) double cream
sifted cocoa powder, for dusting
1 dessertspoon fudge sauce


Begin with the shortcake: In a bowl, mix together the flour, ground rice, lemon zest and sugar. Rub the butter into this mixture until the combination resembles fine breadcrumbs. Lightly work this mixture together to form a soft ball of dough (if the mixture is too crumbly, add just a little lemon juice until it comes together).

Divide the mixture into six and press into the base and sides of six greased, fluted individual flan moulds. Prick the base lightly with the tines of a fork, then transfer to an oven pre-heated to 170ºC (350ºF) and bake for about 15 minutes, or until the shortcake is cooked through and lightly golden. Allow to cool as you prepare the filling.

For the banoffee (caramel) sauce, melt together the butter and sugar in a small pan over low heat, stirring frequently until the butter has melted and the sugar has dissolved. Stir in the cream and continue heating gently, stirring frequently to prevent burning, until the sauce is thick and bubbling. Take off the heat and set aside to cool.

For the filling: Once the bases and sauce are cooled, carefully turn the shortcake bases out of their baking tins and arrange in the centre of six serving plates.

Peel and slice the bananas and evenly distribute the rounds between the shortcake cases. Spoot about 1 tbsp of the banoffee sauce over each tartlet.

Whip the cream until it holds its shape then spoon into a piping bag fitted with a large star-shaped nozzle and pipe over the banana and caramel mix.

Dust with the cocoa powder. Drizzle over the fudge sauce just before serving.

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